Free shipping for all orders. We are committed to getting your order to you as soon as possible, and we can ship already same day. Here you'll find everything you need to know about the delivery.
Free shipping for all orders
Webshop prices includes freight.
Delivery time
Orders completed and placed on website, will be processed within 24 hours (Monday-Friday, excluding weekends and public holidays).
Estimated delivery time for items available in the webshop is 1-2 working days. If modifications are needed, the delivery time will be as per issued confirmation.
You will receive an email containing the order acknowledgement. The order acknowledgement will contain estimated delivery date. Please note that the date provided is an estimate, and you are not guaranteed delivery on this date.
Ship from our stock in Sweden
All orders are shipped from:
Alfa Laval Lund AB
Metallgatan 2
372 38 Ronneby
Orders placed on the Danish webshop are only shipped domestic in Denmark.
Tracking Freight Shipments
Once order has shipped, you will receive an e-mail with the invoice containing the tracking number(s) of your package(s). Please use that number to search for your delivery.