Найдите оборудование на замену
Enter the technical specification of your current heat exchanger below, and we will propose the most suitable unit for you. The information you need to enter is available on the name plate of your current unit.
Information about your current heat exchanger
Enter the technical specification of your current heat exchanger below.
Where do I find the name plate?
The name plate is a small metallic plate that is located on your heat exchanger. It contains technical information about your unit, such as: type, serial number, manufacturer, model and manufacturing year.
Обратите внимание, что в настоящее время можно найти только замену для моделей паяных теплообменников и теплообменников с диффузионной сваркой пакета пластин. Больше оборудования будет доступно в ближайшее время.