
Remote Guidance Unboxing - Compabloc

Remote Guidance Unboxing - Compabloc

  • Prompt response to service needs
  • Fast, easy and intuitive virtual troubleshooting
  • Remotely guide different service actions
  • Shrink your carbon footprint


Remote Guidance Unboxing - Compabloc

Technical details

Valid for
Whole Compabloc range (CP15 to CP120)
Type of service
Remote guidance
Package includes
Installation Supervision: You will be guided by an Alfa Laval expert to review PID, control systems and start-up procedures, as well as installation and piping. Training: With a mix of practical, theoretical and do-ityourself courses, along with expert instruction from trained engineers, you can strengthen staff competence to optimize productivity. Performance Assessment: You will review basic thermal parameters
Next steps
Call the dedicated line Type you verification code or type 9 to get one Select your equipment The call is routed to an available expert
Alfa Laval's commitment
Alfa Laval gurantees you the same level of expertise and support as if an Alfa Laval service expert were on site! We provide you with quick, convenient access to global and local experts.
Book on demand or choose a simple subscription